What if we told you that we have the secret guaranteed to make you a better hockey player – stronger, faster, with more stamina, shot power and reactivity?  You’d want in on that, wouldn’t you?

"TWIST'S Spring High Performance Hockey Camp is a 13-week dryland training camp that will give athletes the on-ice edge they are looking for"


For over 25 years, TWIST has been a household name in hockey strength and conditioning and it all started with the vision to grow the game through innovative, science-backed hockey training.
Our patented TWIST Hockey Training Systems have helped over 1000 junior hockey players make the jump to college or pro hockey. We have trained over 800 professional hockey players (including our own Vancouver Canucks) and had over 150 players drafted to the NHL.
Here at TWIST TriCities, we have made it our mission to help young athletes improve their athleticism and skills so that they can reach the highest level of hockey possible.

– Lisa & Michele


“My off ice training at Twist was amazing. Their assistance with my strength, agility, mobility and all around conditioning helped me prepare for the new season”. 

-Brandon Lisowsky, Toronto Maple Leafs Draft Pick

13 Weeks of Training

April 2 - June 27

A building will crumble without a strong foundation.  Focus in this phase is on the fundamentals of perfecting movement patterns.  Athletes’ movement patterns are assessed and corrective exercises are heavily coached.  Aerobic based conditioning for overall endurance.

Building strength and muscle mass with the goal to get hockey strong.  Using the movement patterns perfected in Phase 1, athletes work on full body lifts with an intro to Olympic lifting.  Multi-directional movement patterns, acceleration, deceleration, plyometrics and anaerobic conditioning.

Volume and intensity is slowly increased to prepare athletes for the demands of the summer hockey camp.  High amplitude plyometrics + bar speed emphasis, cross over & rotational power development and anaerobic conditioning.

How Does This Translate to On-ice Performance?

Everything you need to improve your strength, power, explosiveness, stickhandling, shot power, and conditioning has been mapped out for you.

All you have to do is bring your best effort to the table. 


Hey hockey parents!  How do you know this will work for your kid?

We get a lot of messages and feedback from parents who’s kids have had positive experiences and amazing results with our hockey camps. Here’s just a few.

Frequently Asked Questions

Of course! We recommend starting with Phase 1 where they will learn fundamental movement patterns and get coached on corrective exercises.

This hockey camp is for players ages 9 and up. It is divided into two groups:  Atom/PeeWee and Midget/Bantam/Junior/College

You may register for one, two or all three phases, but to get the highest level of results from the training, we recommend registering for the full camp as each phase is designed to build off of the previous one. 

The training sessions are 60 minutes in length on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the duration of the camp.

We recognize that spring schedules can be hectic, this is why we’ve kept this camp to two training sessions per week.  The programming has been designed to achieve maximum results in less time while promoting recovery and performance.  The perfect training program for Spring Hockey!

While our Youth Athlete Development classes are athletic in nature, the programming is not hockey specific.  Our hockey camp training programs focus on the unique needs of the sport of hockey – the conditioning,  strength, power and agility needed to directly translate to on-ice performance.    

Train Like the Pros

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a Complimentary
30 Minute hockey

** available to new members only **